I’ve seen many traffic accidents and serious consequences of collisions due to reckless drivers running their cars on a red light. Instead of waiting another minute and safely stop, some drivers just press pedal to the metal trying to fly through the most dangerous part of the road – intersection. Most of the time it’s successful for them: nobody is hurt, nobody catches them. I don’t know if they feel guilty for that or just enjoy every time… running on “bloody orange”.
What should drivers turning left and standing on the intersection do when traffic light turns red? Complete the turn? I would advise to always wait for the oncoming traffic to stop or make sure 100% they are going to stop.
I’ve captured on dash camera Nissan Maxima running through the Prospect & Water St. intersection in Newmarket !!two!! seconds after traffic light turned red. It would earn 3 demerit points if caught by police officer. Unfortunately the license plate number is not clear on this video and I haven’t remembered it. Here is a video: